Join Scott as he gets to know Nancy from Cherry on Top in this week’s spotlight series video! She is a wonderful person and this is a business that truly gives back to the community it serves. First, click the image below to watch the video, and then head over to Nancy’s to treat yourself to a fat-free frozen yogurt from Cherry on Top. With 12 flavors of frozen yogurt and 72 choices of toppings to pick from, there is surely something for everybody!

Interview Transcript

– Hey, gang, this is Scott with the Scott Gaertner Group and I am here with your top five events for Scottsdale North in January 2020. These are some great events, some of the biggest ones of the year, and we start off the first weekend, the second through the sixth is the Arizona horse show at Westworld in Scottsdale. This is a big event if you’re a horse person. They’ve got the quarter horses there and such. The Arabians I think are next month, but this is a great event if you’re into horses. Number two, the Barret – Jackson collectors car auction. This is huge. People come from around the world. This is not just a little auction. This is big. In fact, there’s a number of ancillary auctions that’ll be happening around Scottsdale that day too that weekend too, so really, if you have not been here, even if you’re not into cars, you should do it at least one day. Check this thing out. It is a blast. Number three, up in Carefree is the fine arts and wine festival. If you’ve not been spent much time in Carefree, this is a very fun event. I think you’ll really enjoy this event, and that is the 17th, 18th and 19th. By the way, that same weekend, down in Tempe and Scottsdale and Phoenix is the rock n’ roll marathon and half marathon. This is actually even a cool thing to watch if you don’t run much. I ran in this in the inaugural one in 2005. It’s incredible. They’ve got a band every mile. They’ve actually got alcohol out there. It’s really a fun event. Number four is the Elephant Butte Indian Fortress hike. This is out at the Spur Cross Conservation area up in Cave Creek. If you have not been to Spur Cross, it’s really incredible. Now, this hike isn’t for everybody. This is seven miles. It’ll take about five hours. A lot of elevation gain, but it is beautiful territory. Some great ruins you can see there. No dogs on this one ’cause I think ’cause it’s a little more difficult than others, but a great hike. New Times voted this the top hike in the Valley some years back, so this really is a good one. And then number five. We end with the biggest event of the year, really, the Waste Management Phoenix Open. And we still call it the Phoenix Open ’cause it used to be played at Phoenix Country Club but it is now played at the TPC of Scottsdale in North Scottsdale. This is a huge event. Even if you’re not a golfer, I promise you, you should go to this thing. People-watching is unparalleled there. There’s a big tent we call the Bird’s Nest with a lot of bands; every night there’s different bands. Really big bands. Just a lot of fun to be had there. You’ve probably heard about the 16th hole. Everybody ought to see that. This is an incredible event. So those are our top five events for January 2020. Any or all of ’em will be great. Thanks for listening and enjoy those events.

About Scott Gaertner

Scott Gaertner

Scott Gaertner

Since 1984 Scott’s real estate career has always been committed to exceptional results and his business philosophy has always been “If you want extraordinary results, find out what the ordinary do – and then don’t do it!” Consequently his career has been a trail of astonishing successes created from ground-breaking methods.

His first year in real estate selling new homes for a large builder, Scott sold 101 homes and became the first recipient of the Arizona Homebuilders Association’s “Most Net Units Sold Award.” The Association created the award that year because they said nobody had ever heard of that many homes being sold in one year before! Later, due to his continued successes, he became the first recipient of the Homebuilder’s Association’s “Lifetime Achievement Award.”

In the resale home business, Scott continued his innovative trends by opening Scottsdale’s first real estate company devoted solely to representing real estate buyers. This pioneering event in 1990 was long before most had ever heard of the term “buyer’s agency” or considered buyer representation. After years of teaching classes and bringing much needed media exposure to the cause, buyer’s agency has become the accepted standard of practice. That cause complete, Scott moved on to a more traditional role with Keller Williams Northeast Realty. But of course, not in an ordinary way . . .

Shunning the conventional wisdom in resale real estate that says “Specialize in everything!” Scott adopted one small corner of the Scottsdale market to call his own. Using typically unconventional marketing methods and strategies, he became the dominant agent in one zip code of Scottsdale North. Dominant not only in numbers of sales, but in pricing successes for his clients.

By 2018, Scott’s techniques have proven so successful that he is now guaranteeing his results, and expanding his business to a much larger market in the North Valley.