Lets Connect Scottsdale North!

By Scott Gaertner

Last month’s cover story “Scottsdale North: Connecting Forgotten Territory” described how the very best part of Scottsdale has been ignored and neglected (check out ScottsdaleNorthNews.com if you missed it). That story was really just a description of something I perceive as an injustice. The purpose of this article is to try and do something about it.

This is an appeal for your help to create an identity for the furthest most beautiful section of North Scottsdale – Scottsdale North.

Consider the comparison to Arcadia in Phoenix. Those who know the valley hear the name Arcadia, and it immediately calls to mind gorgeous, mid-century homes built on grassy lawns with mature landscaping and lots of foliage set in the middle of the city. Arcadia was built on citrus groves and low scrub desert that was scraped and bladed 100 years ago. If you were magically transported into Arcadia, you would have no idea where you were – it could be anywhere in the Midwest or even California.

Scottsdale North is not that.

Scottsdale North is the thickest of High Sonoran Desert that has been carefully preserved in a rural setting, with lighting restrictions to protect the starry dark sky nights.

Apart from the city, Scottsdale North is a place of majestic beauty, quiet solitude, abundant wildlife, ancient artifacts, exhilarating exercise and, most of all, community pride. Transporting you here would leave no doubt where you landed.
If you love SN and believe that it hasn’t gotten a fair shake – or maybe you just want people to know that you don’t mean McCormick Ranch when you tell them that you live in North Scottsdale – please, join our cause. Help the rest of the world to recognize the unique and extraordinary qualities that we all love and cherish about this area. This is a call to Connect Scottsdale North to the rest of the city by creating a new, distinct identity – let’s become Scottsdale North!

While we love that Scottsdale North News has been generous in sharing our plight, we need a bigger platform than our beloved community newspaper. We have started contacting the media, requesting to get this story told and begin the word of mouth we need – but it will be much more powerful coming from you! If this issue resonates with you and you would like to see a change, ask the media outlets that you enjoy to help. You could say something like, “We are here too! Despite what the mapping programs show, we are here. We are Scottsdale North.”

Let the media and the world know that Scottsdale North is here and then tell us who you notified. The first ten people to notify us will get their own Connecting Scottsdale North t-shirt.
Some Media Resources to reach out to:

Kevin James General Manager

Steve Levi Assistant News Director

KPNX 12 News
George Davilas News Director

Patrick Costello – News Director

Arizona Republic, azcentral, USA Today
Greg Burton Executive Editor

Scott Gaertner is an Associate Broker with Keller Williams Northeast, who for the past 25+ years has helped more people to find their lifestyle niche in the Scottsdale North area than anyone else. He also contributes his thoughts on lifestyle interests in the area.

About Scott Gaertner

Scott Gaertner

Scott Gaertner

Since 1984 Scott’s real estate career has always been committed to exceptional results and his business philosophy has always been “If you want extraordinary results, find out what the ordinary do – and then don’t do it!” Consequently his career has been a trail of astonishing successes created from ground-breaking methods.

His first year in real estate selling new homes for a large builder, Scott sold 101 homes and became the first recipient of the Arizona Homebuilders Association’s “Most Net Units Sold Award.” The Association created the award that year because they said nobody had ever heard of that many homes being sold in one year before! Later, due to his continued successes, he became the first recipient of the Homebuilder’s Association’s “Lifetime Achievement Award.”

In the resale home business, Scott continued his innovative trends by opening Scottsdale’s first real estate company devoted solely to representing real estate buyers. This pioneering event in 1990 was long before most had ever heard of the term “buyer’s agency” or considered buyer representation. After years of teaching classes and bringing much needed media exposure to the cause, buyer’s agency has become the accepted standard of practice. That cause complete, Scott moved on to a more traditional role with Keller Williams Northeast Realty. But of course, not in an ordinary way . . .

Shunning the conventional wisdom in resale real estate that says “Specialize in everything!” Scott adopted one small corner of the Scottsdale market to call his own. Using typically unconventional marketing methods and strategies, he became the dominant agent in one zip code of Scottsdale North. Dominant not only in numbers of sales, but in pricing successes for his clients.

By 2018, Scott’s techniques have proven so successful that he is now guaranteeing his results, and expanding his business to a much larger market in the North Valley.